Environment and Sustainability

Organizers / Managers


Taking into account Pope Francis’ call to ecological conversion and to caring for our Common Home, alongside sustainability concerns promoted by UN agencies through the international agenda, on Monday, 12th February 2024 IFCU gathered a series of scholars from member universities to exchange about the creation of a new international research group (IRG) in the field of environmental and sustainability issues.
The group, which is composed of delegates from member universities of different continents, discussed about both possible research and action-oriented collaboration strands based on participants’ experience and interests. The next phase will consist of identifying common objectives and defining joint activities with a view to drafting a proposal, while reaching agreements on the group leadership and structure.
This new international research group will be represented at the IFCU Council for Scientific Research (CSR), which is hosted by the International Center for Research and Decision Support (CIRAD) of the Federation.

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