The Federation's activities are structured around 5 main services to affiliated universities
1. A Training Department
The Training Department was set up in response to the changing face of higher education, and with a view to preparing our Catholic universities as effectively as possible for the future.
These courses focus on topics such as "Management and Leadership", "Internationalization and Interculturality", "Pedagogical Innovation", "University Conflicts and Mediation", "University Pastoral Care" and "Improving Research Policies".
The range of training courses on offer will continue to evolve to take account of the reality of a constantly changing university world, and to offer programs that will enable university staff and the Catholic world to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow.
Over the 2017-2022 period, more than 200 people have received face-to-face and distance learning training in English, Spanish and French.
2. CIRAD-FIUC, a tool to promote scientific cooperation
The globalization of international issues is forcing the research community to work on an international scale, in order to understand problems both in their global dimension and in terms of their local impact. FIUC member universities offer the advantage of being present on every continent, of being able to approach research from a multi-disciplinary perspective integrating cultural expectations, and of being able to work within the framework of International Research Groups, within the Centre International de Recherche et d'Aide à la Décision (CIRAD). Founded in 1975, CIRAD's mission is to promote inter-university and multi-disciplinary research within the framework of international cooperation, and to provide a forum for meetings, debate, intellectual production and knowledge sharing...
3. The Higher Education Foresight Observatory
The global higher education market is currently facing profound changes; those linked to the 4th industrial revolution, organized around the NICT revolution and now Artificial Intelligence, are among the most important. In the short term, the organization of our campuses will be profoundly altered; while the world of employment will be transformed by the emergence of new professions, and the disappearance and mutation of current jobs, our universities must also prepare to launch new training courses.
In order to assist the Rectors and management teams of its member universities, FIUC has set up an Observatoire de prospective de l'enseignement supérieur. Its activities include the publication of an annual report on the "professions of the future", the publication of an annual report on Catholic higher education, and the organization of debates and seminars on how professions are changing, and what new training courses need to be created for students.
4. International and global presence and networking: sharing experience
FIUC's presence in international institutions goes back a long way (to 1965), and this international Catholic voice in the field of knowledge and learning is heard in Paris at UNESCO, with consultative status obtained in 1967; in New York at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); in Geneva at the UN Human Rights Council; and in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe. The Federation is also a member of the OECD Higher Education Stakeholder Forum and the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions.
In all these bodies, the voice of Catholic academics, via the Federation's network of experts, finds an echo.
5. A collaborative platform: the Catholic university portal
In 2020, FIUC launched a single portal for all Catholic universities, with practical features reserved for Federation affiliates.
This cooperation tool, on which you are now, aims to provide the most comprehensive overview possible of the Catholic university world and to encourage greater collaboration between affiliated universities via a collaborative platform where calls for collaboration, calls for projects, etc., will find dedicated spaces.