

Higher education is undergoing profound changes: the emergence of a global education market is tending to modify the economic models of our universities, making managerial skills all the more important. Changes in access to knowledge and information, the existence of social networks and the reinforcement of communication technologies are modifying the relationship to knowledge and the transmission of knowledge; finally, the field of beliefs is changing, forcing us to reconsider the Catholic identities of our establishments.

With a view to reinforcing skills and sharing experience, FIUC has set up a Training Department, and presents a catalog of training courses to enable managers, teachers and researchers to best carry out their mission within our Catholic universities.

FIUC runs a number of training courses open to the management teams of its member universities.

  • "Leading Catholic Universities in the 21st Century" - September 18-23, 2022 (Rome)
  • "Le marketing stratégique des universités catholiques face à un univers concurrentiel" - December 6-7, 2022 (Paris)
  • "Managing crises and risks in the COVID era - Academic risk management training in Rome" - (with Uniapac) February 23 - 25 (Rome)
  • "The future of our universities: applied foresight workshop"(May - Paris)
  • "The Future of our Universities - Applied Foresight Workshop" (May - Paris)
  • "Leading Catholic Universities in the 21st Century" (Asia) - March or April
  • "Liderar las universidades católicas en el siglo XXI. Reinventar la educación superior: Enseñanzas esenciales para los directivos." Mayo 2023 (Republica Dominicana)
  • "The Changing Nature of Quality Assurance in Catholic Universities: an international perspective" - June 2023 (Paris)
  • "Towards a more responsible university model: Quality Assurance and Social Responsibility"(Africa) - 2023
  • "Communication Seminar"- with Aleteia - 2023
  • "Seminarios Comunicacion" - with Aleteia - 2023
  • La animación pastoral del mundo universitario - An online pastoral training course is being prepared with the PUC Puerto Rico

Contact Loïc ROCHE loic.roche[@] T: +33 (0) 1 44 39 52 26