
The Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASEACCU) formed in 1991 and has grown to include Catholic colleges and universities across the regions of East and Southeast Asia. We function as a forum for members to engage in open dialogue, share resources, and reflect on our identities as Catholic institutions. As an affiliated association of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), we represent East and Southeast Asian Catholic higher education to the rest of the Catholic world and beyond.

Our purpose is to encourage and promote the shared mission of Catholic higher education as service to society through faith, scholarship, and ethical leadership. We believe in helping institutions build meaningful connections with one another, expand educational opportunities, and cultivate healthy relationships among communities, between nations, and with the Planet.

We welcome Catholic colleges and universities in our regions to join us as members to further support our mission and each other. Other educational institutions, organizations, and governments are welcome to partner with us, regardless of religious affiliation, as we build a better world for all.



30th annual ASEACCU conference "What makes a Catholic university Catholic? Expressing and integrating identity and mission".
30th annual ASEACCU conference "What makes a Catholic... The 30th annual ASEACCU conference was held from August 21 to 23, 2024 in...
21 August 2024
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